Saturday, November 29, 2008
What Street Sign?!
Well Happy Belated Thanksgiving! I was blessed to preach in the prison yesterday and to run over a street sign...all in a day's work. Women were touched and saved by Jesus yesterday. It was awesome! I am excited to return in just 10 days to preach again. I love being there and I pray that the door continues to remain open in the prison. I had my first Thanksgiving without rolls. The other white girl that is married to a Honduran made Thanksgiving dinner, but forgot the main southern ingredient...bread. She is from Indiana so maybe they don't eat bread there. It was fun. My brake pedal broke yesterday and so when I went to stop at a light with 20 cars in front of me I could not stop. I chose the sidewalk so that I would not collide with the other cars.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Freezing in Honduras
Now that may seem like a oxymoron...because it is. I never knew how cold it got here. But maybe it is because I am used to high 90s and not high 60s. The good thing is that I only have one long sleeved shirt (t-shirt material) and a very thin throw for my blanket on my bed. It is always raining also. But none the less God is still God and I am still loving every day He gives me here in Honduras. I posted a picture of the kids..I do love them! They are so cute in their uniforms. I will be in Yoro next week for outreaches and a crusade with a team from Fort Worth. I can't wait to see what God does for this area. It is very poor and they have had many landslides because of the rain. Please pray and I will post next week all about it! Also last week I was able to preach in the prison, and I can't wait to return. It was awesome. They just wear their regular clothes and it is like a little community within huge concrete walls. Actually as you pass by it on the street you would never know it was a prison. But it was great and I look forward to returning in a few weeks!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A Layover
It is 7.45 am in Fort Lauderdale and the sun has risen since I have been here. It is a glorious day and I intend on seizing every opportunity that is given to me from the Lord. I get to see my family for the first time in four months...I might have mentioned that already, I am excited! I slept most of the flight here from San Pedro Sula, which was only 1.5 hours since yesterday morning at 5.30am. I hope to get some shopping in New York before I reunite with my family tonight, I will sleep tonight. I think that this is going to be a superb day full of adventures and probably a bit of delirium from the lack of sleep. I am sitting across from this gentleman in the airport. I want to start up a conversation, he looks very interesting. A timberland hat, a fun white shirt, glasses and a beard (jeans and nice shoes, too...they remind me of some that my brother would wear). Handsome and mysterious...anyway. I wonder if he is saved or destined to spend all eternity in a fire full of sulphur? I shall find out hopefully. Anyway have a great day and I will talk to you soon..whoever you are!
Monday, October 13, 2008
A delightful day...
We have holiday in the school I teach in so I have the day off! I am looking forward to tomorrow night...I am flying to NYC! I will get to see mi familia for the first time since June 17th! When you come from a close family that seems like all eternity. I am so thankful that I have been brought up closely with all my cousins, basically they are all like my siblings more than cousins. I enjoy reading other blogs but have neglected my own. So I am going to try and remember to update more often even though I think my cousin is just about the only person who reads it!!! Anyway have a great day and thanks for reading this pointless and random blog! Also for your enjoyment I added a random photo! Talk to you sooner than later!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
A friend of Giselle's (my roommate) has just returned from spending four years in Connecticut. His name is Tulio. He just bought a horse this week and his brother owns quite a few horses and cows. So yesterday we all went for a ride. It had been probably 14 or 15 years since I had been on a horse. I assumed it was like riding a bike; a much heavier, faster, uncontrollable type of bike. My first go at it a man who tends to the horses led me around the field. But then they saddled another horse (a pregnant one) and offered me to ride that one. Whoah!!! Without the help of the nice man, it was just me and the pregnant horse. Well she was bit hard headed (like me?!) and did not necessarily want to give heed to the reigns. She began to gallop and then we came to a small ditch. Without any warning she made a complete stop! Inertia pulled my body forward, but I was able to regain my skills as a cow-girl (oh wait I have never been a cowgirl...hmmmm). Anyway in a few minutes two other horses come by, so the pregnant horse and I begin to follow; again without any warning she commences to jump the next creek bed. Yes, I flew through the air over a 2 foot creek bed on the horse! Well, it seemed like I was in the air for at least 10 seconds but maybe it was not quite that long. Tulio said we could go riding whenever our schedules would permit, I look forward to riding again. As you see in the picture Giselle hanging on tightly for dear life with Tulio :)!!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Happy September
My brothers came down to Honduras for a visit last week. It had been four months to the day since I had seen them. They were only here for four short days but we made the most of each day. I took them to the Ruins of Copan (Mayan Ruins) and to Tela (the second nicest beach area in Honduras). I had never been to Tela before so it was nice to visit a place where none of us had been. It was also very nice to get back to Copan. That is the area where I spent the majority of July and August preparing for the crusades. I was able to visit a Pastor friend of mine and others. It was so nice to have my brothers here with me, meeting the people that are my family here and seeing God's creation called Honduras. My adopted Honduran brother didn't think twice about offering his brand new truck for us to drive while they were here (it was going to be around $200 to rent one)! God always provides!! I am so thankful for my Honduran family; they truly treat me as one of their own. God knew what I needed while I was away from my family. I was raised in such a close family and it was always important for all of us to be together not only during holidays but every chance we got. I am thankful for being raised in such a loving family. As we go through hard times our family are the ones who will see you through, pray you through and talk you through it; God uses the family around you. Is there someone in your family you could encourage today? I want to encourage you to pick up the phone, take a drive or write a letter to someone who needs you today. The other day I read my cousins blogspot about my graduation and she shared a little bit about my past. I know what God has brought me through and from but reading it from another perspective was eye-opening. It has almost been four years since I was delivered from my addictions, but there was something that was refreshed on Wednesday after reading it. I am so grateful for the transformation, redemption, and purpose I have in my life today. God is so amazing and so real! There are quite a few things happening with Alcance Ministries here in Honduras. This past week they began outreaches in the Nursing Homes (I could not go because of classes at Eagle Christian Academy). We had to postpone the Bordos outreach because Pastor Dennis was ill and I was still fighting it as well. So hopefully next week I will have pictures and testimonies of what God did down at the river. This week was awesome with the students. We divided the three and four year olds so it is a bit easier to control their attention spans. It is such a blessing to be chosen to help mold the lives of these children also it is necessary to pray even more. This is a responsibility I will not take lightly. I know this is a bit longer than usual, but I appreciate each of you continuing to keep me and Alcance Ministries in your prayers. I pray that the Lord blesses you as you go through this day and I pray that you continue to seek after His desires for you. I love each of you and enjoy sharing my life with you! Thank you for being a part in what God is doing in my life.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
WOW it has been a while!
I have been away for quite a while, sorry about that! I have had my hand in quite a few things. I have posted a pic of one of my Honduran hermanas, Lindsay. Also we have been getting the school ready to open. Busy with publicity, painting, and praying. It will be a bi-lingual school for 3-4 year olds until next year then we will add a grade.
I also was able to visit a hospital in the capitol of Honduras, Tegucigalpa. That was a trip and a half. Considering that there was almost zero a/c and crowds of people everywhere. Many wounds and doctors scarce. I have befriended many future doctors. One of my sisters here, Elsy, is in med school so all of her friends are in med school. Josue is the one who got us in the hospital. Normally not just anyone can walk around the hospital. I am about to leave for church and I will try to not let it be over a month before my next blog!!!!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
God is amazing!
I have just returned home from a week in La Entrada and the Ruins of Copan. It is so beautiful in the Ruins of Copan. If any of you ever get a chance to visit or just want to be amazed at God's creativity, this is the place to be. On top of the beauty almost everything in Honduras is inexpensive. Wilmer, Daniel (Wilmer's oldest son) and I spent time meeting with pastors in La Entrada for an upcoming crusade with Light of Life International. This is the ministry that I came to Honduras with twice before. The pastors are so excited and very anxious to see what God is going to do in their city. One pastor that is from Florida (not the state but this is the name of a town in Honduras) does a television show. Wilmer shared with him a little about my testimony (since I am not able to speak Spanish, YET) The pastor invited me on his show to share my testimony and to talk about the upcoming crusade. While the show was airing an alcoholic called in wanting to know more about this Jesus that saved me. I was amazed at the presence of God moving on his heart. The following day the pastor told us that more unsaved people that had seen the show had called the television studio wanting to know more about Jesus!! I could not believe it, but that is the God I serve...always amazing me! The pastor would like Wilmer and I to return for another taping, hopefully the busy schedule will permit. Last week I had prayed for somebody that spoke English to cross my path, so I could talk to them about Jesus. Monday night as we waited for our tacos (at a stand on the side of the road, we ate here every night, delicious!!) two white ladies walked up. They were talking English, but not with a Texas accent (like I am used to :)). As I began to talk to them, they told me they were from London on Holiday and had been traveling from Brazil and will continue north until Belize. They had been away from London for 6 weeks! Neither of them spoke any Spanish, how brave!! But they were not wanting anything to do with Jesus. They were friendly, listened to me, but not wanting salvation. God had already put three other people in their path this trip to talk to them about Jesus! On Wednesday (or Miercoles) Wilmer, Pastor Tony, Daniel and I went to visit pastors. In the evening we came to a home, where the wife invited us in for a delicious treat. She called in sweet bread, but my mom always called it cinnamon toast! The woman put two slices of bread in a grilled cheese grill to toast the bread and then put butter, sugar, and cinnamon on the toast. I told Wilmer I used to eat that for breakfast (but prepared a little different). He thought that was too much sugar in the morning, but he is realizing how much I love the sweet treats!! Then the kind woman put milk, banana, cinnamon, and a little bit of ice in a blender. That was quite delightful as well! Pastor Tony has asked me to share my testimony this Wednesday at a special service, he wants to invite the alcoholics, drug addicts, etc. Wilmer will lead worship and then translate for me. I am hoping to see the altar flooded and people radically transformed by the power and presence of God! Please be in prayer for me and those who will attend the meeting. After the pastor asked me to speak I began to cry. I was just a drug addict, but God chose to pick me up out of that filth and cleanse me so that He could use me. My dreams are coming to pass, thank you for helping me to change the world for Jesus! I pray that the Lord surprises each of you today with His sweet presence as you go after His heart!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
As I am getting ready for church I am in awe of God's love for His children. It boggles my mind to try and comprehend the magnitude of His love for us. He continues to come up with new ways to show us His love with each turn in this life. Can you even begin to imagine how amazing Heaven will be? I can't stop praising Him! I could say how much I love Him every second of every day and it still would not begin to describe my passionate love for Him, my gratitude for all He does just for me. Then I begin to chew on all that He does for the ones I love, sometimes unbeknown to them, and it keeps me searching for His next move!
Friday I sent out an email to ask people to pray for the finances to fix the Jeep that I have been blessed to use for evangelism. In less than 24 hours a woman emailed me back and said she would send me $500! I am beginning to cry just thinking back on the moment that I read her email. It was short and yet with that answer to my prayer thousands will be reached with the Gospel. I will use the Jeep to go to the Rio (river). I want to take beans to the people who go weeks without food. Many children died just recently because they ate mushrooms that were growing there. The mushrooms were poisonous and killed the children. I want to show them the love that Jesus has for them. Not just a one time stop to drop off some food, but a weekly visit to share the Word of God with them. I want to disciple those who will get saved. God is so good! If you have not accepted Jesus into your heart, take a minute to recognize your need to be cleansed from your sin. Make a choice to turn from your sinful lifestyle, ask Jesus into your heart and choose to give Him your life! After all He gave His life just for you 2000 years ago, living for Him is the least you could do! I hope have a awesome day and take a moment to notice the sweet presence of God with every turn today!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Week 3
I hope you all are enjoying your day! It has been awesome weather all week here, partly cloudy and in the high 80s or low 90s! But today it feels like somebody lit the furnace in Honduras! Has anyone ever heard of a nance? I had not until yesterday. A nance is yellow and grape shaped.It looked deliciously sweet, but I was mistaken. It was a bit tart and has a funny internal texture (and a seed). I think it would be a great smoothie, if you could remove the seed. On a sweeter note, I also had sandia (watermelon) this week and it was very sweet! Most of you know I love sweets! I could have chocolate for breakfast, lunch, dinner and then for dessert. However, I practice self-control and partake in healthier meals for nutrition purposes :)! I finally moved out of my suitcases this week, after making the trip to invest in a plastic set of drawers. I have spent a lot of time in prayer this week and God keeps me in awe from His presence and plans for this season of my life. The poorest of the poor here in San Pedro Sula live down by the river. I wanted to reach out to them. Not a one time thing, but be committed to going there weekly. To pray for them, share the Gospel with them, have a time of worship; basically take Jesus to them. I also wanted to somehow bless them. Not just go in, preach, pray and leave; but begin to develop relationships that will turn into friendships. Also be able to give them some type of food (thanks for the idea LOLI) like beans or rice. I have always had a burden for the lost and even more so for the homeless and addicted. As I began to seek the Lord with this idea I wondered how I would get there. Walking was too far, taking a rapidito (fast bus aka suicide on wheels) would not allow me space to carry supplies, and paying for a taxi gets pricey. I asked the Lord to provide a way. I was sharing my heart with the Pastor's wife, Tammy and she said she would ask her dad if I paid to fix his Jeep (it sits in the driveway here where I live) could I drive it for evangelism purposes. I continued to pray that if it was God's will He would open that door, and God is so good!! Tammy's father said yes! The only thing wrong with it (when they stopped driving it-I am not sure how long ago that was...) was that they did not have a key to the ignition. It also has a flat tire. So I would like to ask each of you to pray that the finances to fix the Jeep would become available to me. I am amazed at how God is so distinctly taking care of all of us and enjoys every minute of it. Pastora Tammy has also shared with me that they would like me to begin holding meetings for the teenagers at the church and begin to reach out to the teenagers in our neighborhood to come to services on Saturday at 5. I am so excited about this new adventure as well! Life is always different each day, but I am anchored in the love and peace of our Heavenly Father! Please pray for wisdom and guidance for me, as I do not want to take a step unless it is God ordained. I hope each of you have an amazing week and I look forward to hear how your week went as well! Dios Bendiga!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Week 2
I pray this finds everyone enjoying the day that the Lord has given them! The weather in Honduras this week has been rainy and in the low 90s! This week has been full of wonderful adventures. I have successfully driven three times in the busy San Pedro Sula! Hondurans drive a little different than we do in the states. At first glance you may think there is not any order to their driving, but driving in it you find the order quickly! I have yet to see a wreck and would love to keep it that way. I bought a guitar this week and Wilmer is keeping me busy learning how to play. I should be able to start a band by next week…just kidding! There are so many things that I enjoy daily here. One of them is hearing the passion in people's voices as they share their heart with you. Their plans, dreams, hopes, and their love for Jesus! My heart is at home here in Honduras. Pastor Dennis and his wife Tammy had me over for lunch yesterday. They have a son, Denisito. It was so pleasant to have an afternoon of fellowship with Tammy! She is a wonderful woman of God, dedicated to her family, the ministry but most importantly the Lord. She prepared a delicious meal and Pastor Dennis shared his vision with me about opening a bi-lingual school in August. He has asked me to help teach the children English. I am super excited! I have planned to get my teaching degree upon returning to the states (if and when). Also as a child I wanted to be a teacher and now God has taken that dream and is making it a reality! He is SOOOO good! Next week Tammy is going to take me to check into language schools for my Spanish. I am learning from my roommate, Giselle, but I think it may be beneficial to take formal classes. Hopefully next week we will also be travelling to the Ruins of Copan to prepare for a crusade at the end of July. I am pretty fluent in Spanglish, but the natives just look at me funny when I speak it J! I have found a Starbucks replacement…the Granita! It is a frozen coffee and costs 20 lempiras ($1). So on special occasions we take turns buying them for one another. I have ventured into cooking a few meals for Giselle and she has made a few for me. Just as I look puzzled at some of her dishes she is equally unsure about mine. The oven doesn't work in our stove so I am not able to bake delicious cookies and cakes. It is probably a good thing, less sweet things less ants. Ants and I have had a bad beginning, but I am praying through enjoying their creation (as I spray them with deadly poisonJ). There are two large iguanas that reside outside of my room window on the concrete wall. They seem harmless, but look ferocious! I enjoy looking at them from a distance. I look forward to my prayer times each day and find myself holding my breath waiting in excitement to see what the Lord is going to do each day! The Word of God continues to surprise me each day with revelations from Heaven as I am dedicated to responsibly seeking out the truth. Serving Jesus is all I ever want to do and is more satisfying than anything I have ever experienced! I hope that you ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself to you today in a way that you have never known or experienced. I love each of you dearly and hope that you embrace the joy that is available to you from above! Love others with all that you have and seek God as you venture throughout your day!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
My first week...
Moving to a new country definitely has its exciting moments! It also takes some adjusting, as with any change. I love being right where God wants me to be. During my first week I had a few surprises and a few attacks. I used the washer and dryer for the first time last Saturday. This consisted of a big cement half opened tank with a built-in washboard. The dryer is a rope and the sun! I felt very 'missionaryish' as I continued to rinse and rinse when I found out how much soap not to use. I have another girl that lives where I live (a house that is used for an office for the church), her name is Giselle. She has lived in Honduras her whole life, but would love to travel to the U.S. She and I take turns teaching each other our languages and trying to figure out what one another are saying! I am not sure if the weather has gotten cooler (in the high 90s) since I moved here or I am just getting used to it?! Wilmer is my Honduran big brother. He has four children and a beautiful wife, Jenny. He is the worship leader at the church and directs the choirs for the crusade, which can be anywhere from 300-500 people. He has never had music lessons, but can play just about every instrument. He has just recorded his first CD, that is being professionally mastered. The attack I mentioned earlier is from the smallest living creatures I have met here. ANTS!!!!! I do not understand how something so small can get under my skin so deep. I am excited about the upcoming events that I will be able to help with. There are teams coming from the states in July, August, October and November. This means alot of preparation I have been told. Starting next week I will be traveling each week to the Ruins of Copan to help organize the crusade that will be held there at the end of July. Giselle and I will stay at different pastor's houses while we are there. How exciting to visit other people's homes and to see how different we all live! I am so thankful that God chose me for this time in Honduras. It is so wonderfully orchestrated from above. I am in awe of living my dream, truly ANYTHING is possible with God! Please continue to keep me in your prayers, I miss my family very much and am thankful for each of you to be in my life! One more thing...please pray that the ministry will get a new stove with a working oven....Thanks!
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